
I'm back.

To all the people who send emails and messages, wondering why I hadn't posted in a while and asking if I were okay, thank you.

I'm okay.

Life has been pretty nutty and writing blog posts hasn't been much of a priority. But things are settling down. And the time away from posting has given me some clarity.

So I'm going to get back into imposing my opinions on anybody who cares to read them. Again.

Thanks for sticking around. I hope I make the wait worthwhile.


  1. Glad you're OK. My two goals are Purpose and Clarity. Wrote them down on a piece of scrap. Purpose is often condensed to mere Process by the pressure of short-term requirements. Clarity cannot be willed. I'm happy it decided to visit you. A rare gift, indeed.

  2. That's wonderfully simple, Chuck. Purpose and Clarity. Thanks.
